Thursday, March 27, 2014

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction

A. Background of the Study

Now a days children are more into technology, that's why children have become more interested in cartoons as time goes by. instead of going out and play, children prefer to say in their room and watch television. In general, children start watching cartoons at the age of six months, and by the age of two - three, children become interested viewers. And that is one of the common reasons why cartoons/children shows are so popular today.

Most people think that some children shows/cartoons are good. C.J Choma wrote an article entitled, "Effects of Cartoons on Children". It stated here that cartoons has something , that makes the viewers want it more. It is both colorful and fun. It also stated in the article that the creators of cartoons are putting subliminal messages in the show. Subliminal messages are hidden messages that enters to ones mind without the viewer noticing.

In summary, the creator the such shows have one goal, and that is to let the children enjoy television, more than that let them enjoy the magic of cartoon shows. It is also said in the article by C.J Choma, that, cartoons have this thing called "subliminal messages". These things doesn't necessarily harm kids but they do send a hidden messages to the adults.

C.J Choma said that, "The marketing is targeted toward the children to cause them to want to view the cartoons on a regular basis, but the subliminal messaging is for the adults’ to target them into enjoying the "cartoons"." (

In this quote by C.J Choma, he clearly stated what the people in the market really aims for, and that is to have more viewers, even if it is in the means of slightly brain washing the viewers. Forcing them little by little into liking something. By implementing subliminal messages in the said "cartoons", children now can freely watch cartoons because adults now are more into cartoons.

Another reason why cartoons today is so popular, it is because of the main fact that cartoons has expanded its popularity. Cartoons has acquired both kids and adults as its audience. When cartoons/Children shows came out, obviously its audience are only for children, but as time goes by, these cartoons has made it self pleasing to adults eyes. Now, both children and adults loves watching cartoons.

Emily Geminiano wrote an article entitled, "Why Kids and Adults Love to Watch Cartoons". It stated that there are other kids of genre, such as anime. Now, anime has got a lot more viewers as it grows. Adults and Children are now obsessed with the same thing. The researcher has found why both children and adults love the same thing. For one Cartoons is colorful and more lively that normal television shows, and for other reasons like the story line, graphics, visual effects, and many more.

In summary, in the past years cartoons has expanded its so called "kind" and evolved into different types. As it grows, it begun to pull different viewers in different ages. In other words, As Cartoons grows, so as its viewers. The researcher believes that this is one of the reasons why Cartoons now a days are popular among adults and children.

Emily Geminiano said that, "But these days the young ones are not only the big fan of cartoons since there are many grownups now that are fond of them as well. The so-called young at heart abound and in fact my colleagues and dean in the school I work for are fond of these as well specially the Naruto."  (

In this quote by Emily Geminiano, she is clearly focused on how adults such as herself came to be a fan of cartoons along with the children. It is said here that some cartoons makes a adult feel young at heart.

Kids this generation follow what they see everywhere especially on television. Having cartoon characters as role models has become one of the most popular thing that is going on to the children of today's generation. Cartoons has greater influence to its viewers than anyone. It influences the children in what they wear, how they talk, and even in what they eat.

Fareesa (from the site wrote an article entitled, "Cartoon Characters: Higher Authority Than Parents?" and it stated that, some of these lovable characters are highly to be followed that out parents. Why? because of the simple reason: Parents aren't home all the time.

Well, this isn't a bad thing. This has just made the influence on the games toys they buy, clothing they wear, kids play, and even their bed sheets. leaving the parents with little influence, while there popular characters have huge amount of influence to children.

Fareesa said that, "Cartoon characters debuted on food items as early as the 90’s with green Ninja Turtle Pudding Pies." (

It is obvious in Fareesa's quote that they still have influence even in the food of the children. It shows how popular cartoons can be. 

Even though cartoons are popular these days, the researcher observes that cartoons are actually bad for kids. The researcher has found out that the hidden side some of children shows are dangerous.

The information in this paper will help the reader determine how cartoons affect kids. In addition, it will help the reader decide whether to let their own children watch cartoons or not. Having simple knowledge about children shows/cartoons isn't enough.

The purpose of this paper is to explain why cartoons could be bad for kids.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1. In what ways could cartoons be bad for kids? 

C. Significance of the Study

Parents - This research paper would help parents on how to distinguish good show from bad shows for their children. To help them know what are the appropriate TV shows they could let their children watch and to educate them to be aware of some children show/cartoon subliminal messages.

Future Film Makers - Knowledge of this study would help future film makers on their decision making. To inform them that there are other film makers out there, that goals are to consume children's mind with negativity. It is believed that now a days, children shows/ cartoons are more likely to be violent and stupid, this paper is to set a standard for our future film makers to create something with better content.

Future Researchers - This study is not a common one, but it aims to help future researcher to gain knowledge upon the topic that is similar to this one. With the information given within this paper, future researchers can have clues and better insights according to the matter given. 

D. Scope and Delimitation 

Having simple knowledge about Children shows/Cartoons isn't enough. The focus of this study is to explain the hidden side of most Children shows/Cartoons. 

Because of time constraints, this study will no longer discuss about other genres of cartoons. This study will also not discuss the different perspective of Children Shows/Cartoons, such as science, history, myth, psychology. Instead, this study will focus more on the subliminal messages of most children shows, and how it affects the viewers.

E. Materials and Methods

The researcher will follow a method of looking deeper within the children shows/cartoon and somehow discuss the content of its shows. The materials that the researcher will use is this study are different kinds of article related to the topic, book, and other reading materials that can help or can make the study more understandable and more appropriate for the audience.

By focusing on the following information and summarizing them into small bits. the researcher can present clearly the attitude of children shows/cartoons and their hidden side, both positive and negative.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Cartoons or Animated Cartoons. A motion picture consisting of a sequence of drawings, each so slightly different that when filmed and run through a projector the figures seem to move.

2. Subliminal Messages. Secret message or hidden message in a scene. affecting someones mind without them being aware of it.

3. Traits. A distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature: bad traits of character.



    1. BACKGROUND: "What they can see... / Status Quo"
    - Cartoons are popular

    2. OBSERVATION: "What they don't see... / Problem"
    - Even though cartoons are popular these days, the researcher observes that cartoons are actually bad for kids.

    3. IMPORTANCE: "How will my paper help..."
    The information in this paper will help the reader determine how cartoons affect kids. In addition, it will help the reader decide whether to let their own children watch cartoons or not.

    4. PURPOSE: "What I can show you..."
    The purpose of this paper is to explain why cartoons could be bad for kids.

    B. Statement of the Problem
    1. In what ways could cartoons be bad for kids?

  2. 1. BACKGROUND: "What they can see... / Status Quo"
    - Fairy tales are popular
    - Parents read fairy tales to kids
    - Films and movies are sometimes based on fairy tales
    - A lot of kids are influenced by fairy tales

    2. OBSERVATION: "What they don't see... / Problem"
    - Even though fairy tales are popular these days, the researcher observes that fairy tales are actually bad for kids.

    3. IMPORTANCE: "How will my paper help..."
    The information in this paper will help the reader determine why fairy tales are read to children. In addition, it will help the reader decide whether to tell their own children fairy tales or not.

    4. PURPOSE: "What I can show you..."
    The purpose of this paper is to explain why fairy tales could be bad for kids.

    B. Statement of the Problem
    1. In what ways could fairy tales be bad for kids?
