Sunday, March 2, 2014

BLOG POST #5: Yay or Nay? - Tom and Jerry

We have all seen the series, where in, cat chases mouse, mouse goes to dog, dog sees cat, cat runs away from dog. That is the never ending cycle . And then I had a though, why does the cat always wants a piece of that mouse?  

I read an article entitled "Cats and Mice" by Frannu Syufy, that talk about cats behavior and why they chase after mice. 

According to Syufy. Cats love to chase mice, because its in their nature, a basic story about a predator and a prey. Cats love to chase, kill, even eat mice. Why? because cats has knowledge that they are bigger, and stronger than the mice. that's why it only sees the mouse as a prey and never a predator 

And also that's a given, and sometimes people do not find it too alarming. In fact, most people in different countries uses cats ability to case mice as an solution for unwanted rodent problem. Basically its a win-win situation for both parties, except for the rodents. 

This topic reminds us of the famous TV show, The Tom and Jerry show, staring Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. As a child growing up with this cartoon, I have not fully understood the true essence of the show, Up until now. It seems that the show talks about "bullying". Now, what is "bullying"?

When most people think of bullying, they imagine an older, bigger, stronger fellow punching, kicking, and hitting a weak one. Yes, physical bullying is one of the most common types of bullying that kids participate in. According to the article entitled, "6 Types of Bullying" by Sherri Gordon there are six type of bullying and these are : Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Relation Aggression, Cyber Bullying, Sexual Bullying, Prejudicial Bullying. 

The only type of bullying that we will be focusing in will be Physical Bullying, why? because that is the type of bullying Tom the cat uses towards Jerry the mouse. Physical bullying has the same principle of the "prey and predator". Because if you haven't notice it yet, a bully will never go against someone bigger or stronger than he or she is, and the same goes for a predator. A predator will never prey over something that it cannot kill and devour. 

"Unlike the other forms of bullying, physical bullying is the easiest to identify. As a result, it is most likely what people think of when they think of bullying. Additionally, it has historically received more attention from schools than other more subtle forms of bullying." said Sherri. 

I agree with Sherri, for one physical bullying is the picture people see or the main idea they see in their mind every time they think about bullies or bullying.

This is a short comedy film about bullies. Take insights, this might how bullies are made. 

Let us never be to eager to judge out bullies though, they may be just playing bad guy  but some bullies have some deeper problems to think about. Sometimes they are just angry to see themselves so weak, that they punish other people for their own failures. Tom the cat had the same fate as well, experiencing bullying from Spike the dog. That's why Tom is punishing Jerry, because he is faced with a bigger bully, Spike. 

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