Friday, April 11, 2014

CHAPTER 3 - Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations


This paper aims to inform the readers about the true traits of cartoons, and in what ways cartoons can be bad. 

This study about cartoons revealed the following:

1. Most people think that some children shows/cartoons are good.
2. Cartoons are popular now a days its because cartoons has created a lot of different variations that is applicable to all ages, not just kids. 
3. Cartoons insert messages inside the show called "subliminal messages". 
4. The researcher has revealed that cartoons are dangerous for children.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Cartoons cause negative effects to children 
2. Cartoons has bad role models 
3. Cartoons can cause health problems, especially in the ears, eyes, and brain. 


The following recommendations are given to the following: 

1. Parents should know by now the hidden traits of cartoons, and they are now aware of it . They now can help their children to do the following things. 

2. Future Film Makers can now create things that are innocent and pleasing to both the children and adults hearts and eyes. 

3. Future Researchers should use this study to help them in whatever way it can. Also future researcher can gather clues and hints from this paper that they can find similar to their topic. 


A. Electronic Media 

Choma C.J (November 15, 2004) : "Effects of Cartoons on Children" 

Clark Laura ( September 26, 2012) : "Cartoon violence 'makes children more aggressive"

Geminiano Emily (March 6, 2009) : "Why Kids and Adults Love to Watch Cartoons"

Nace Felecia : "Why Children Benefit From Reading a Variety of Books"

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