Thursday, February 27, 2014

BLOG POST #3: Superheroes Unfold - Emotional Spectrum (Lantern Corps)

Why do we feel? We as human beings have the ability to feel things, simply because of this thing called "Emotional Spectrum". An emotional emotional spectrum is not something that us people can hold, it is an idea. A simple mindset that people thing about. Visually, its just like a color wheel  with colors. As I like to call, "The Color Feel". Well, if you are still wondering what it is, you came in the right place. Step right up, and feel. 

I have read an article entitled , "Color Psychology" by Kendra Cherry. And it says that some colors can stir up the mind , for example you can feel anxiety in an yellow room or be calm and relaxed in a blue room. Artist and interior designers are still not sure on how one color affect the moods, feelings, and emotions. Its really a powerful communication too and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. 

She also stated that colors in the red area of color spectrum are known as warm colors and include red orange and yellow and these warm colors evoke emotions raging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings for anger and hostility . And on the other hand, the colors in the blue side of the spectrum are know as cool colors and include blue, Violet and green . theses colors are often described as calm, but also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference. 

One perfect example for the "Warm" and "Cool" colors would be. The Lantern Corps. From the famous Green Lantern. In the picture below, we can see that the first 3, after the white lantern, are the "warm colors", the red, orange, and yellow lanterns. And after that we have the "cool colors", the green, blue, indigo, pink lanterns before the black lantern. 

      Life          Rage               Green           Fear       Will Power       Hope         Compassion         Love          Death 
"Your feelings about color are often deeply personal and rooted in your own experience or culture.", says Kendra Cherry. I agree with what Kendra has to say about this because. the psychology depends on the culture. For example, Japanese culture associates yellow with courage while Western culture sometimes associates yellow with cowardice.

 Just like emotions, Superheroes are also powered by this thing called "Emotion Spectrum". For them the emotion spectrum is their source of power, and still with the colors of the rainbow.
Its like the colors of the rainbow, R.O.Y.G.I.B.V. 

where in the colors in the first colors R.O.Y and the negative colors and the G.I.B.V colors are the positive. We have the whole Lantern Corps. We have the good guys. Green = Will power, Blue = Hope, Indigo = Compassion, and Pink = Love . And the bad guys, Red = Rage, Yellow = Greed, and Yellow = Fear. Just like what Cherry said in her article that our emotions has good and bad sides with distinct warm and cool colors.

Also like the Psychology of Colors. The creators of the lantern corps thought the same. Because they had the good and bad part. but there is flaw. according to the article, "Why is willpower part of the Emotional Spectrum?" by anonymous, he said that will power isn't an emoting but a mindset. But willpower (green) is the ability to control one's emotion and act independently of impulses, which is why it's in the middle of the spectrum. It balances extremes such as rage (red) and love (violet), which are often uncontrollable.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

BLOG POST #2: Ugly Truth - Story behind Teletubbies

"Time for Teletubbies, time for Teletubbies, time for Teletubbies.". A great way to start your day with 4 cute colored creatures with T.V screens on their bellies, a pet elephant-like robot, and a sun baby. Teletubbies a British TV show, according to Wikipedia was produced on 1997 to 2001 by Ragdoll Productions. The show usually starts at 7 in the morning. And as kids we always do wake up for our morning shows, right? The show was said to be a show for babies in 12 months time or 1 year-old children. Its like a stepping stone or a preparation for school. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La-la, and Po are the teletubbies we all want to see every morning. As I go deeply to the topic I have search what are "Teletubbies" and found out that Teletubbies are Creatures that lives in Teletubbyland. Other than that Teletubbies can't speak clearly, they communicate with baby talk.  Well, that's some accurate facts, right? 

As the research goes deeply, i have found out that teletubbies is somehow bad for its audience, especially the target. Why? because Teletubbies has a whole different or should i say "dark" it. The show Pushes the idea of "Paganism". First lets define "paganism".

Paganism, according to "What is Paganism?" by Marawolf of the Covenstead, paganism is simply a term covering a lot of religions and belief systems or it is defined as "the old religion". many believe that paganism is not a religion but some people are saying that it is but it does not belong to the "mainstream"  religion. Pagans believe that Earth is the mother of us all. In other words Earth is their "god", but also pagans worship different kinds of gods. It can be anything by nature, a cow, a tree, a block of ice, etc. 

Marawolf stated, "Sadly, when people first hear the words Pagan or Paganism they tend to think, "devil worshiper", or they picture some wild, orgiastic, way-out individual with no regard for what is sacred or for "God"; a cult member who sacrifices babies." 

There are just the stereotypes of pagans but the truth is paganism is a spiritual way of life and its origins are rooted in the ancient nature religions of the world and also pagans has absolutely nothing to do with Satan, demons, or devils. As stated in the article.  Marawolf also added, "Pagans do not believe in the entity Satan, a Christian concept." Maybe true we don't really know. but in the Christian concept if you not worshiping the "one true God" you are with the "enemy". 

In Teletubbies there are 4 extra characters, the baby sun, the windmill, the tube-like speacker , and the elephant robot, in which in three out of those four elements are considered pagan "gods".

In Mythology they have this god, who is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology. This god is known for being the god of the sun. He is Apollo, AKA Apollyion.  Apollo is according to the movie "Hercules" of Disney Channel. He is the one responsible of the Sun's coming and going or in other words the suns rising and setting. Just like the "baby sun" in our TV show, she is responsible of her rising and setting and every time that she rises the teletubbies also wakes up and plays and when she sets the show end. 

In an article that I encountered, "BBC Teletubbies Sun God Worship" by Chris Constantine. He said "the teletubbies has a living sun (a Halios) in there garden Helios who is also called 
Apollyion the beast from the beast from the pit." 

Jumping the another myth or religion in Christianity. In the Bible , it said in Revelation 9:11 "They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon. (the destroyer)". It just proves that the TV show that time has subliminal messages that cannot be seen by its audience. 

That being said the baby suns presence in the show represents a whole different thing. Not only for being there Joyful baby sun , but a Destroyer from the bottomless pit that our teletubies worship as a god.